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Yu Wang 王宇

7th generation of a traditional Chinese medicine family 中医世家第七代传人,医学硕士学位

Yu (Janice) Wang is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Washington. She graduated with honors from the College of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture at the prestigious Bastyr University in 2012. She also had advanced training in China where she practiced as a doctor in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shanghai University (上海中医药大学), Long Hua Hospital in Shanghai and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Cheng Du University (四川中医药大学).
She comes from a long line of medical doctors and practitioners. She is the 7th generation in her family to be trained in Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Growing up in a family of doctors she deeply understands the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She has the benefit of learning directly from her family’s clinical experiences and knowledge – an honor and a trust that she carries forward from generation to generation.
Yu (Janice) Wang specializes in the treatment of sports injuries, arthritis, muscle nerve pain, hemiplegia, facial paralysis. gynecological diseases, such as menstruation, dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, menopause syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, insomnia, dermatology disorder, skincare and various symptoms of weakness nursed back to health.

王宇 中医世家第七代传人,医学硕士学位
王宇 来自祖传中医世家第七代传人,自幼耳濡目染极具天赋,有深厚的中医理论和临床实践的积累,是美国华盛顿州执照针灸师。2012年她以优异的成绩毕业于美国著名的巴斯蒂尔 (BASTYR UNIVERSITY)大学东方医学和针灸学院,获得硕士学位。并在上海中医药大学、上海龙华医院和成都中医药大学医院临床进修学习。 不但得到名老中医专家的亲自传授,而且治疗多种常见病和疑难杂症, 为行医的道路奠定了坚实的基础。她对病人认真负责, 热情和关心并有很好的效果, 因此受到病人的信任和尊重。


Yu Wang 王宇
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